09 November 2009

Pieces of the Past

This week, you will be exploring the wonderful world of historical artifacts.  There is no question to answer.  Instead, you are going to be sent on an internet search.  Follow the instructions carefully and be sure to post links and images when necessary.
1) To begin your journey, you must post the National Park Service link to the home of our 26th President. 
2) In the year that the 26th President took his final breath in his home, an amendment was passed that would change the face of the partying culture in America for entirety of the Roaring '20s.  Post a political cartoon that deals with this amendment.

3) The year that amendment was passed, the man to the left was preparing to become the first former president to hold a certain high government position.  State 1) Who he is 2) What position he held after he was president and 3) A picture of what regular household object he got stuck in at the White House.

4) On Christmas Eve, 1914, the greatest of all the early conservationsists died of pneumonia.  He and Theordore Roosevelt posed for a picture together.  Post the picture and state what national park it was taken in.

5) At the dedication of this monument, President Calvin Coolidge stated "The fact that this enterprise is being begun in one of our new states not yet great in population, not largely developed in its resources, discloses that the old American spirit still goes where our people go, still dominates their lives, still inspires them to deeds of devotion and sacrifice."  Post a picture of the monument.

Post pictures of the graves of all of the presidents who make an appearance in this blog.


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